Adventures in Harissa

Adventures in Harissa

Hi all! I got back into the kitchen this weekend and was joined by my little friend harissa. This North African spice paste goes on EVERYTHING. I have a laundry list of uses, two of which I've featured here. Other ideas? I'm thinking yogurt marinade, compound butter, mixed into ground meat for burgers, and tossed with green beans. The only thing harissa doesn't go on? Your tongue.

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Pecan and Dulce de Leche Brownies

Pecan and Dulce de Leche Brownies

Happy New Year everyone! I've finally decided to come out of hibernation; the past week was brutally cold. Like throwback to college cold. There are definitely parts of college I want to relive but I can do without the -10 weather. I once read somewhere that you should start the New Year off with something sweet for good luck. Sure, we could all use a little luck this year but with the plateful of brownies sitting in front of me, I think I'm due for a lucky decade. And maybe a cavity or two, eek.

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Chipotle Rosemary Nuts

Hi everyone! I've been plenty busy in the kitchen this weekend with my holiday baking. One of the most well received items to come out of my kitchen this time of year are the Chipotle Rosemary mixed nuts. They are sweet, smoky, crunchy and literally everyone loves them. Example: my mother generally avoids foods with even the slightest bit of heat but she raves about these nuts. I handed her a bag last night, "The nuts!" she joyfully exclaimed, genuine delight spread across her face. "I was just about to ask you when you were making them!" See? Everyone.

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Chipotle Cranberry Barbecue Sauce

Hi everyone! Still looking for a spotlight side dish this Thanksgiving? No problem, I've got you covered. Well, Spoon Fork Bacon has got you covered. I had a Friendsgiving game night over the weekend to show thanks and appreciation for my volleyball friends, here's a sample of what I served,

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A Cozy Night In: Stuffed Acorn Squash

This past Saturday was a cold, drizzly, gray kind of day and I had a craving for all things cozy. With no plans, which is unfortunately more common than not, I decided to do some comfort cooking. I know that type of food is usually reserved for Sunday's but  I've had a major carb craving since the middle of the week. I channeled my inner nonna and tried my hand at homemade pasta sauce and a (separate) sausage and apple stuffed squash. I was impressed with the pasta sauce I made, it had a bit of kick but I should have let the meat brown longer for more depth. The squash stuffing was a delicious harvest mix of apples, pecans, sausage and mushrooms but I forgot to season the squash before adding the stuffing resulting in the squash itself being a bit bland.

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Caramel Apple Cider Cookies

Caramel Apple Cider Cookies

The nights are cooler, sandals are traded in for boots, and Malbec has replaced rosé. I think it’s safe to say fall has arrived in my corner of New York.  While I am seriously lamenting the loss of summer sun, I do love the coziness of fall. It makes for good cooking and baking. I’ve been eager to make a treat for my new co-workers because they are some truly amazing people. I wanted to make something that gave them the “warm fuzzies” that they have given me but since I’d probably maim myself with knitting needles, I decided to bake instead.

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Sweet Potatoes with Poached Eggs

Sweet Potatoes with Poached Eggs

Welcome back to another posting of NY Girl Can Eat. Today’s post will be my first recipe based post, make sure to tell me what you think! Since I got my hands on an Easy Bake Oven at age seven I've had a hard time leaving the kitchen. Whether it’s a tried and true recipe or the newest pasta dish from one of my subscriptions I’m always up for the task. Here I share with you my go to, anytime dish.

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