Dessert That's In The Bag

At a recent team function that required dessert, someone handed me a large paper bag that looked rather unpromising. The wrinkled bag was heavier than I expected. I wiggled back a corner and saw cookies as large as my face releasing a wonderful mix of aromas that ranged from ginger to paprika. Where did these come from? I wonder. I found a receipt under some crumbs at the bottom that read, "What's for Dessert?" I thought I was the one asking the questions here but it turns out the owner, Cindy, has been asking and answering for a quite a while now.

An enterprise that began as a private catering company, taking orders for friends and friends of friends, then came a stall at the farmer's market and, finally, a brick and mortar location in Tuckahoe, "Nutmeg Cafe".

There's a lot to love at Nutmeg Cafe. For starters, there's a sample of a highly addictive  shortbread that I, shamelessly, devoured. Three times to be exact. The  display case is stuffed with at least a dozen varieties of scones, not just the two or three rotating specials you see in most places. The rack in the middle of the cafe is loaded with twists on classic desserts like a chocolate bourbon pecan pie and a plum, blackberry and raspberry crostata. Items this decadent would make for a show stopping dessert at your next dinner party. 

Back to that paper bag. Well, I pulled out a massive chocolate cookie flecked with pumpkin seeds and infused with smoked paprika. The speed at which the cookie disappeared is rather frightening for both my wallet and my waist line because they're TWO DOLLARS. Why yes, I'll take half a dozen. Maybe my waist line isn't in as much peril as I believe because a significant number of items are gluten free. They even offer a few vegan options. 

So, if you want to know what's for dessert there are plenty of options at Nutmeg Cafe and they all taste like success. Until the next dish, ciao!