Forty Eight Hours in Philly

Forty Eight Hours in Philly

Let me start by saying I am neither a vegan nor a vegetarian. I prefer to think of myself as a flexitarian. Basically, I'll eat what I damn well please pending it doesn't kill me. I happen to enjoy vegan and vegetarian based dishes; I find them flavorful, creative, and healthy. More and more diners across the world are going meatless (no one forgot about you, Keto) for various reasons and certain cities like Austin, Portland (OR) and Philadelphia are excelling in meatless dishes. For months I'd been hoping to explore Philadelphia's booming meatless dining scene and I recently had forty eight hours to make it happen. I was hoping to try at least four places but due to technological difficulties and pure popularity I was only able to visit two (the best two): Vedge and Charlie Was a Sinner.

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Cauliflower, Rosemary and Roasted Garlic Soup

Cauliflower, Rosemary and Roasted Garlic Soup

In case you weren't aware via every form of social media it was beyond frigid last weekend in the Northeast. I went to college in New Hampshire for four years and don't ever remember it being this cold. The only way to handle meteorologic events such as this is to make a large batch of soup and catch up on your Netflix shows.

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