May The Eats Be With You

May The Eats Be With You

Greetings all! Mid-April to Mid-May has been a blur. Work has been busy, extra curricular activities are packed in tighter than a rush hour 6 train, and in the middle of it all was my birthday.

My thirtieth birthday. 

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There's No Place Like Stew's

There's No Place Like Stew's

It’s a typical Saturday morning in early spring; rain splatters across my windshield, the wind nudges my car this way and that but I couldn't be happier. I’m on my way to the grocery store. But not just any grocery store; I’m off to Stew’s. Stew Leonard’s that is. If the task of grocery shopping seems to be a laborious task standing between you and your next spin class then you could use a trip to Stew’s. You don’t even have to be a foodie to appreciate the experience. I mean, who doesn’t love the whir of a coffee roaster, the flickering flames of the rotisserie or singing sticks of butter (oh yes, you read that last one correctly). Welcome to Stew Leonard’s of Yonkers.

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Westward Ho!

Westward Ho!

Hi everyone! I’m on spring break and using this glorious amount of time to explore/taste/savor as much as possible. While I love my eastern corner of the state, I often find myself wandering west toward the Hudson River towns scattered throughout the hillside. Maybe I've got that American spirit to keep moving west, to seek out new and uncharted territory. I'm always looking for the next great meal or anything else that will expand my gastronomic horizons. It's my own Mani-fresh Destiny (Cliché? Maybe. Spot on? Definitely)

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