Dessert That's In The Bag

Dessert That's In The Bag

At a recent team function that required dessert, someone handed me a large paper bag that looked rather unpromising. The wrinkled bag was heavier than I expected. I wiggled back a corner and saw cookies as large as my face releasing a wonderful mix of aromas that ranged from ginger to paprika. Where did these come from? I wonder. I found a receipt under some crumbs at the bottom that read, "What's for Dessert?" I thought I was the one asking the questions here but it turns out the owner, Cindy, has been asking and answering for a quite a while now.

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Grilled Greens and Garlic Chickpeas with Pasta

Grilled Greens and Garlic Chickpeas with Pasta

In my quest to become a more healthful, conscientious eater, I wanted to challenge myself with my latest dish. I love my bacon, carbs and all sorts of sinful treats but in moderation. So what's a gal to do for the other dozen meals when she isn't stuffing her face with sugar? Well, here you have it.

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Blueberry Cornmeal and Almond Cake

Blueberry Cornmeal and Almond Cake

A very happy 2016 to you all! Hopefully the year is off to a solid start but if not, this cake can get you there. You see, back when I visited San Diego I had a remarkable cornmeal and blueberry waffle for breakfast at Cafe 222. It was after a late night and I needed some serious sustenance. I think about that waffle often and, much to my chagrin, I do not have a waffle maker. Despite this minor yet atrocious set back, I decided to replicate it in a gluten-free cake form.

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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Vine

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Vine

I don't know about you but the last thing I need right now is one more post on stuffing. I'd like to look ahead at what I'm going to eat after the three day supply of leftovers is gone. More specifically, how the heck I'm going to detox my diet. If you too find yourself in need of a delicious, health conscious meal may I suggest Rosemary and Vine in Rye, NY. 

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A New Neighborhood Delight

A New Neighborhood Delight

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by! This weekend I took a long overdue stroll through my local farmer's market. As I popped in and out of familiar stalls I found my path cut off by shoppers swarming one particular vendor. Some on tip toe pointing at distant items, some hunched over and peering through a display case of baked goods, still others rifling through coolers of nifty soups and spreads. Just what on earth was this place? I looked up at the bold red sign and read, Flourish Baking Company.

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Sweet Potatoes with Poached Eggs

Sweet Potatoes with Poached Eggs

Welcome back to another posting of NY Girl Can Eat. Today’s post will be my first recipe based post, make sure to tell me what you think! Since I got my hands on an Easy Bake Oven at age seven I've had a hard time leaving the kitchen. Whether it’s a tried and true recipe or the newest pasta dish from one of my subscriptions I’m always up for the task. Here I share with you my go to, anytime dish.

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